
Updated Storyboard Blogpost

 We removed some scenes and dialogues so we wouldn’t go over the 2 minutes, and we added music to keep the viewers on edge, with sound effects to further accentuate the opener and not have it be as dull.

Finished Project Blog Post

  Illusion Of Choices: The Movie Opener The movie (If link above does not work) third option if the other ones do not work.

Finished Project Feelings Blog Post

 I think we did overall pretty good on our project, and I'm proud of what we managed to accomplish with what little resources and time we had. We didn't have too many issues at recording, but during editing I found that some scenes were cut too early, or dragged on for too long, and it was hard to find good music and sound effects to use. For changes we ended up removing a scene because we felt it fit better without, and we switched up the dialogue and cut some additional scenes we were going to use because we would've gone over the time limit. I learned more about movie editing and what goes into the production and filming of a movie. I used editing and filming tricks I learned in class to help in the movie, such as angles, ways to shoot, and transitions.  

Editing Blogpost 2

  I spent around 2 hours editing the project, I was in a call with Sebastian the entire way where I shared my screen so he could give me constructive criticism and advice.  Additional Info: Me and Sebastian had a lot of fun testing the different transitions and effects that we could have potentially used for the opener.

Sound Blogpost

 I am the editor for our movie opener, I am working on it alone, with some slight feedback from Sebastian. I used Davinci Resolve, which I used because it came with a lot of great features for free, which helped me a lot in editing the film. For diegetic sound effects, I added footsteps for whenever Emir's character walked, some car sound effects and car crash stock sound effects, and then finally I added a choking sound effect for the very end of the opener. For non-diegetic music I used unsettling music to keep the viewers on edge and dreamy-like music for the flashback.

Group Dynamics Blog post

 Our group has been doing a great job, everyone has been pulling their weight. What I found most challenging was making sure everything was set up for filming, such as what we would film with, location, and a time and date we could all film on.