
Showing posts from August, 2023

Camera Angle

Today I will be talking about 5 different camera angles/shots and their meaning. High Angle Shot In Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Dobby the house elf is usually shot with a high angle shot, as seen several times throughout this  clip . This is meant to represent how small he is, but it also defines how the world sees him. The Close up shot In The Shining, this shows a close up shot. Close up shots are used to express the subjects emotion, here we see the character, Jack Torrance's madness and delusion up close. The Cowboy shot In this clip from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, We see a Cowboy shot used several times. The cowboy shot was popularized in these types of movies, which is where it got the name from. Since gun holsters are at hip level, this shot is used to show the gun holster. Medium closeup  In this clip from Avengers: Endgame, We see Thanos snap his fingers using the infinity gauntlet with a medium closeup shot. Medium closeups attempt to remove unneces...

My first blog post

 Hello, my name is Adam Molnar, I was born on November 2008 in France. I live with my mom, my dad, my sister and our pets, I moved to Florida about a year ago. I used to live in France before moving to Illinois, then we moved to Mexico, then to Tennessee, then of course finally to Florida, so yeah, I've moved a lot. I really like computer classes, like coding , I don't like math, I do track/cross country as a sport, though my sister tries to convince me to do swimming. My family has 3 dogs and a cat (yeah we have a lot of pets) I will put an image of them at the end of this post, their names are: Coco (the blonde dog), Fluffy (the grey colored one), and Biscochito or Chito for short (the black one). The cat's name is Luna, I consider her to be pure evil because she dislikes everyone, if we bring people over, she hisses at them and runs away, she even tried to claw my grandmother once! Sometimes if you are petting her, she will randomly attempt to attack you, this is why I c...