
Showing posts from February, 2024

Challenges in Filming Blogpost

 The challenges were scheduling a time we could all film, remembering lines, and being serious, as we ended up laughing a lot or not being overly serious during filming. We finally found a good time to all record, we would just refresh on lines, and we would give the actors a second to calm down and get ready for the scene. Everyone is pulling their weight and working perfectly together.

Representation blog post

 We are representing schizophrenic people, and to an extent people with mental illnesses. I think we are representing them pretty well, as we are showing some of the many effects that can happen, though we are exaggerating them just a little to make the opener more interesting. We are making sure to keep it as fair as possible without really veering off and making it completely stereotypical, we don't think there should really be much to change to Sebastian's character, as we all have a good idea of the symptoms of schizophrenia, so it won't be too unrealistic.

Supporting characters blog post

 Fahad: Fahad will look pretty normal, but he will put on some sort of face to look more serious and to slightly creep out the audience, he will wear darker clothes to represent how he is some sort of dark emotion that clouds Sebastian's judgement. He will be much calmer, only raising his voice later on to push Sebastian over the edge, when he finally ends up attacking Emir.  Emir:  He will look like a normal man, dressed in more neutral clothes, he will act as some calmer person, as he is Sebastian's therapist. He will be calm but demanding when asking Sebastian about the incident. He will then look a little more freaked out/ panicked when Sebastian flips out.

Main character analysis blog post

 The main character is played by Sebastian. He is going to be a schizophrenic patient who is clearly mentally unwell. Sebastian will mess up his hair to look more crazy, and wear darker clothing to represent how he's become much darker. He will be kind of jittery, jumping, and paranoid. He will be motivated by this illusion of Fahad, who will end up controlling his actions. He will be silent for the most part, and sound depressed whenever he speaks, when "Fahad" appears he will become more paranoid and crazy, speaking louder.

Costuming Blog Post

Sebastian will be wearing a variety of darker, lighter, and monotone colors to represent his emotions.  Fahad will wear darker clothes to represent how he is evil and mistrustful from Sebastian's POV. Emir will wear lighter/monotone clothes to show his neutrality and how Sebastian views him as a nuisance, but not in a malicious manner.

Preparing to Film Blog Post

 The challenges of preparing to film is trying to get everyone to agree on a time and date to go to my house and film. We will be filming at my house with a phone, I will then take those clips recorded and edit them on my laptop. Me and Fahad are both directors and filming, but I do editing and he is an actor Emir and Sebastian are actors, we are all writers on this project. We plan on filming every weekend, Saturday at around 2pm, props will be items around my house, such as furniture pieces, a car, some plants, and some paintings. The locations used will be my living room and outside somewhere near my home, the actors will wear clothes relating to the story, Emir will wear lighter colors while Sebastian and Fahad wear darker colors.  We all helped work on the script we will use for the movie opener.

Initial Film Opener Storyboard Blog Post

  Fahad- helped with the creation of the plot and story, wrote the dialogue Emir- Wrote the audio notes Sebastian- Drew the pictures Adam (me)- Added the editing notes, helped create plot and story We created it by deciding who the characters would be played as, the rough setting of our opener as well as creating the rough plot. We decided to begin it as if it were some normal therapy session, while giving hints to something darker underlying it all, we also added in flashbacks occasionally, for further exposition as to what happened to Sebastian's character. We structured it in a way that it would have you wondering what was going on, then by the end you now know what happened.